The holiday break is pretty much over. I didn't get much of a break since I have to pretend to be an adult now and work, but Z had to start classes this morning. Technically, he had to work over the break too, so I suppose the good 'ole days of a month-long vacations are over.
Neither Z or I have finished the book for Lover Book Club, and since our one and only book club meeting was supposed to take place over the break, we may be out of luck. Both of us are close to finishing the book, (Lonesome Dove, FYI), but the final chapters are sad and I'm not ready to say goodbye to some of my favorite characters. After an expensive holiday season, it looks like the next book club selection will be some kind of financial planning book. Useful, yes, fun, no.
As for my New Year's cooking resolution, well, I still have some work to do. I have clipped some recipes from magazines and blown dust off cookbooks that I forgot I owned. I'm calling this "necessary preparation" before I actually start cooking. I also watched Julie & Julia, which I'm also considering prep for this adventure.
Any one else have some fun New Year's resolutions to share?