Thursday, December 2, 2010

Blog Addict

Lately, the only pleasure reading I've had time for are my blog subscriptions through my Google Reader. I've been building my subscription list for a couple years, starting with RSS feeds in my Outlook, moving to Bloglines (which may be coming back from the dead), and moving on to Google Reader. I would say that my subscriptions fall in three major categories: serious, wishful thinking, and guilty pleasure. I subscribe to a number of library feeds with the idea that I'm making myself a more informed future professional. Lately, I've started following a ton of design blogs. Z and I are buying a new house (fingers crossed that closing works out), and I have this idea that I'm really going to make the new place look great, and that I'll be able to do it according to my cheapskate tendencies. I also follow some cooking blogs because I like to tell myself that I'm going to start cooking more. It turns out that I'd rather read about cooking than actually cook. For the final category, I'm addicted to celebrity gossip and romance novels. Do you follow any blogs or websites?