I'm not technically done with class until the end of this week, but I'm done enough that I've been able to read a surprising amount of smut is a short amount of time. I hit the Kindle freebie jackpot last week when there were two historical romances on the bestseller list for $0.00. I read one on Saturday, and one on Sunday, and felt as if all was right in the world.
My major accomplishment is that I finally finished Infinite Jest. This has been a project almost a year in the making, and for those of you who have seen this beast, you know why. The book is almost a thousand pages long with 300 endnotes, but worth it. I have been reading it in fits and starts, mostly because it takes some time to get into, and I don't have a lot of time to spare with my oh-so-fun school reading. The book is about addicts, entertainment, and tennis (in a nutshell). It's no surprise that I have a hankering to take up tennis now. I've also found myself wondering how people give up controlled substances, because from the book, it sounds terrible and way hard. I can't even give up cookies, which is probably why they are the hardest substance I consume.
Next on the reading binge includes The English Patient, some kind of Christian-esque contemporary romance I've been reading on the treadmill, and whatever else comes my way.
Anyone else with big summer plans or summer books waiting to be read?
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