I'm in the midst of my proficiency exam for library school. What this means is that I have two papers to write in two weeks to prove that I can be a competent member of the profession after I graduate. I'm one and half weeks into this biotch, and hoping for the best. The last few days will be a definite push to finish, since I procrastinate like crazy. Instead of spending every waking minute thinking about this test, I have spent the past week or so dreaming of post-school life. Here are just a few of the things I plan on doing in my future.
1. Decorate my house. Z and I have lived in our house for almost two years, and I still haven't figured out what to put on top of the cabinets, or finished unpacking all our boxes for that matter. Don't judge. When I have more time, I'll finally sift through my magazine clippings of great decorating ideas and gussy the joint up.
2. Tackle my reading list. It seems like I've been compiling a monster list of things to read every since I started higher ed back in 2003.
3. Learn to cook more exotic things. Not that there's anything wrong with tacos, spaghetti, and casserole, but seriously, I want to make more of an effort to try new recipes. In a perfect world, I want to attempt food that takes longer than 20 minutes to make. Nothing too gourmet, but new stuff.
4. Sew stuff. My mom gave me a sewing machine for Christmas a few years ago, and I haven't had any time to use it. Plus, my sister gave me a book of great sewing projects for home stuff (tying in with goal #1).
5. Get in ridiculous shape. Lately, working out hasn't been working out, if you know what I mean. I still run pretty regularly, but I want to be tone, darn it. This means I may have to brave the weight machines at the rec center . . .
I do realize that I will probably always be shy on time, and these may be pipe dreams. Anyone else have things you'd love to squeeze into your busy schedule?
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